Cirkelbroen, 2015
Little Sun, 2012
Facades of Harpa Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre, 2005-2011
Movement microscope, 2011
Seu corpo da obra (Your body of work), 2011
Seu planeta compartilhado (Your shared planet), 2011
Your rainbow panorama, 2006-2011
Feelings are facts, 2010
Mikroskop, 2010
Berliner Treibholz, 2009
The parliament of reality, 2006-2009
Your new bike, 2009
Take your time, 2008
The New York City Waterfalls, 2008
One-way colour tunnel, 2007
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007, 2007
The glacier mill series, 2007
Your waste of time, 2006
Domestic motion, 2005
Inverted Berlin Sphere, 2005
Spectral projection, 2005
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3), 2005
Your black horizon, 2005
Your colour memory, 2004
La situazione antispettiva, 2003
Model room, 2003
Sonne statt Regen, 2003
The blind pavilion, 2003
The weather project, 2003
360° room for all colours, 2002
Lava floor, 2002
Remagine (large version), 2002
Seeing yourself sensing, 2001
The mediated motion, 2001
The structural evolution project, 2001
Spiral tower, 2000
The movement meter for Lernacken, 2000
Your blue afterimage exposed, 2000
Your orange afterimage exposed, 2000
Five orientation lights, 1999
Room for all colours, 1999
Spiral pavilion, 1999
5-dimensionel pavillon, 1998
Green river, 1998
Ice pavilion, 1998
The very large ice floor, 1998
The very large ice step experienced, 1998
Erosion, 1997
Room for one colour, 1997
The curious garden, 1997
The landscape series, 1997
Ventilator, 1997
Your sun machine, 1997
8900054, 1996
By means of a sudden intuitive realization, 1996
Tell me about a miraculous invention, 1996
Your foresight endured, 1996
Your strange certainty still kept, 1996
Eine Beschreibung einer Reflexion, oder aber eine angenehme Übung zu deren Eigenschaften, 1995
Looking for hot water on Gunnar's land, 1995
Thoka, 1995
Moss wall, 1994
Petrun‘s garden series, 1994
Beauty, 1993
Mental, 1993
Expectations, 1992
I believe, 1992
Infinity, 1991
Wannabe, 1991