Fenster für bewegtes Licht (Window for moving light)
숨결의 지구 (Breathing earth sphere)
A harmonious cycle of interconnected nows
Atmospheric column
The curious museum wall
Tunnel for unfolding time
Your unexpected journey
سفر الظلال في بحر النهار (Shadows travelling on the sea of the day)
Det lyttende spejl
Roof for stray thoughts
The living observatory
Your submerged spectator
Atmospheric wave wall
Earth Speakr
Our glacial perspectives
Sometimes an underground movement is an illuminated bridge
Your explorative movement
Seeing spheres
Den indre himmel
How to build a sphere out of cubes
Northwest Passage
Seeing the unseen
The planet spins despite me stopping
La congiuntura del tempo (Tempo junction)
Little Sun Light Swarm
No future is possible without a past
Vær i vejret
Raum für Bildung und Bilder
Tree of Codes
Your Star
Above below beneath above
Inside the horizon
Oscillation bench
Den trekantede himmel
Panoramic awareness pavilion
Dnipro sunrise
Your glacial expectations
Crystal growth 4
Facades of Harpa Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre
Olafur Eliasson: Your Rainbow Panorama
Sunpath for San Basilio
Your rainbow panorama
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