Image Information

Anna Engberg-Pedersen

Contributions to Texts and Publications


The Whys and Hows of My Art Making (Interview, 2018)


Studio Olafur Eliasson: Unspoken Spaces (Monograph, 2016)

Concept by

Studio Olafur Eliasson: Open House, TYT (Take Your Time), Vol. 7 (Artist's book, 2017)

Copy editor

Innen Stadt Außen (Exhibition catalogue, 2010) Olafur Eliasson: Your mobile expectations; BMW H2R project (Artist's book, 2008)


Symbiotic seeing (Exhibition catalogue, 2020) Olafur Eliasson: Experience (Monograph, 2018) Riverbed: Olafur Eliasson at Louisiana (Book, 2016) Reality machines (Exhibition catalogue, 2015) Turning Thinking into Doing into Art, Four Lectures in Addis Ababa (Book, 2015) Riverbed, Louisiana Museum of modern art (Exhibition catalogue, 2014) Never Tired of Looking at Each Other – Only the Mountain and I (Artist's book, 2012) Olafur Eliasson: Life is space 4; 17.06.2011 (Artist's book, 2012) Life in Space 3: 09.05.2008, Zumtobel Group Annual Report, 2007-2008 (Artist's book, 2008) Studio Olafur Eliasson: An Encyclopedia (XL) (Monograph, 2008) Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007: Olafur Eliasson and Kjetil Thorsen (Exhibition catalogue, 2007)

Editorial Manager

Olafur Eliasson: Contact (Exhibition catalogue, 2014) Olafur Eliasson: Contact (French Edition) (Exhibition catalogue, 2014) Olafur Eliasson: Contact (French Limited Edition) (Exhibition catalogue, 2014)

Editorial team

Olafur Eliasson: Sometimes the river is the bridge (Exhibition catalogue, 2020) Olafur Eliasson: In Real Life (Exhibition catalogue, 2019) Y/our future is now (Exhibition catalogue, 2019) Olafur Eliasson: Nothingness is not nothing at all (Exhibition catalogue, 2016) Olafur Eliasson: The Parliament of Possibilities (Exhibition catalogue, 2016) Olafur Eliasson - Baroque Baroque (Exhibition catalogue, 2015) Reality machines (Exhibition catalogue, 2015)

Managing editor

Time-Sensitive activity በጊዜ ላይ ጊዜ (Exhibition catalogue, 2015)

Text author

Fourteen Views of Studio Olafur Eliasson’s Sustainability Agenda (Essay, 2020) Olafur Eliasson: Experience (Monograph, 2018) Det indre af det ydre (Monograph, 2008) Studio Olafur Eliasson: An Encyclopedia (XL) (Monograph, 2008) At se sig selv sanse: Samtaler med Olafur Eliasson (Conversation book, 2004)