Reality projector - exhibition at the Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles, opens in March
Your collective decision, 2017, on view from tomorrow, neugerriemschneider, Art Basel Miami

Yellow versus purple, Tate Modern, London
"Revolutionary theory begins with recognizing accumulation as a fact of planetary existence. We find ourselves on a rock on which five billion years of solar accumulation have already taken place. If we also find ourselves in a planetary crisis, it is because rather than capturing the energy already falling on the earth, we have rereleased previously gathered energy back into the air. Rather than shifting our legacy infrastructures away from digging up old, consolidated sunlight and towards capturing contemporary sunlight, the latter continues to fall while we add to it the sunlight buried beneath. This doubling up on sunlight—adding the energy from the ground to what continues to come from the sun—is the cause, unsurprisingly, of what is called “climate change.”
Excerpt from "Parahistories of Self-Instituting Sunlight" by Stephen Squibb. Read full text on e-flux
1,2 billion people use a kerosene lantern as their primary source of light. It's expensive, very unhealthy and bad for the climate. Little Sun replaces the fossil fuel in households with solar power! More info on Little Sun
A new simulation published by NASA shows how changes in the atmosphere can be observed by following the path of aerosol particles—tiny particles that hang in the atmosphere. NASA scientists tracked tiny aerosol particles of smoke, sea salt, and dust as they drifted across the Atlantic Ocean. Mathematical models created by the Goddard Earth Observing System demonstrate how these aerosols move over time. When they are projected over satellite images from this period, scientists can better see the physical processes that lead to these super storms. This year's "hurricane season" has been the most destructive we've seen in modern history. As basic condition hurricanes are powered by warm seawater
Jeppe Hein – Don't Expect Anything Be Open to Anything. A series of social happenings curated by artist Jeppe Hein, who invited different artists and practitioners to curate an evening. Visitors were not told what would happen beforehand. Here, Olafur and Steen Koerner conduct a movement exercise. König Galerie, St. Agnes, Berlin
80 tonnes, 10,000 years - a short film by Martin de Thurah
Watch the film in its entirety www.soe.tv

Joseph Beuys, Capri Battery, 1985

Great feature about our Studio Kitchen and its collaborative process and environmental philosophy in the latest issue of Zeit Magasin
Water twisting down the bathtub drain, circulating winds of hurricanes, currents in the ocean, and the form of galaxies. Vortex for Lofoten, 1999, Norway

Ink and watercolour (and light as usual)
The mass of the Greenland ice sheet has rapidly declined in the last several years due to surface melting and iceberg calving. Orange and red shades indicate areas that lost ice mass, while light blue shades indicate areas that gained ice mass. White indicates areas where there has been very little or no change in ice mass since 2002
Model for a timeless garden, 2011 - A film by Tomas Gislason
The warming of earth. Observational history of temperature from 1850 until today. Berkeley Earth, US.
Join us on the Pathway2Paris 5th of November at Carnegie Hall, NYC. Pathway to Paris is a dynamic collaboration between musicians, artists, sustainability consultants, cities and activists to highlight solutions to climate change, and to help turn the Paris Agreement into real action
Green light workshop at the Venice Biennale has an exciting program this upcoming weekend with artistic workshops and guest speakers Nira Yuval-Davis and Charl Landvreugd as part of the project's Shared Learning program.

Even a tiny Q tip has an enormous effect on life. This heartbreaking photo reveals a troubling reality. The onslaught of marine plastic waste is a slow-motion catastrophe. Marine plastic debris is a real threat to our health. We have seen results of research showing that fish and shellfish from many parts of the world consumed plastic and micro plastic. According to the UN, Indonesia, by the end 2025, will reduce 70% of its plastic debris from 2017. This weekend at Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin TBA21 is hosting Fishing for Islands. Throughout the weekend, performative interventions and artists’ installations will open up new perspectives on traditional and mythological dimensions of the oceans, as well as on infrastructure and migration. Photo: Justin Hofman
Some of the politics that we see now in Europe and on the other side of the globe, which can be called autochthonic politics, are different from other extreme-right politics. One of the interesting things is that many of these autochthonic political organizations take pride in telling us that they are not racist. Indeed, rather than using notions of “race,” as earlier forms of racist ideology did during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, these movements construct racialized boundaries that differentiate people according to those who belong and those who do not, using a wide variety of boundary signifiers, including origin, religious affiliation, and citizenship status. Autochthonic politics are thus very elastic. The only common message is, “We were here before you, and therefore we belong and you do not!”
Nira Yuval-Davis, visiting Professor and Director of the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, University of East London

In depth perspectives on the Green light project, produced by TBA21 and published by Sternberg Press with contributions by Atif Akin, Anas Aljajeh, Tarek Atoui, Tawab Baran, Ian Cion, Angela Dimitrakaki, Olafur Eliasson, Paul Feigelfeld, Francesca von Habsburg, Timothy Morton, Sandra Noeth, Ahmet Ögüt, Boris Ondreička, Johannes Porsch, Clemens Rettenbacher, Andreas Roepstorff, David Rych, Rasha Salti, Georg Schöllhammer, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Anahita Tabrizi, Alison Weaver, Franziska Sophie Wildförster, Nira Yuval-Davis, Daniela Zyman, and Green light participants
Artist Benjamin Skop in collaboration with the studio team experimenting with lasers and fog to extend the movements of the body into a kind of moving architecture. More on www.soe.tv