Peripheral eclipse touching
Spheres of power and care #19
The overlapping memory of two small but very old pieces of glacial ice
Orange outcome
Your positive void (orange)
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 1
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 11
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 2
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 5
The sunny blindspot
Trust, confidence, intuition – Contact is content
Your new narrative
Confused warning (purple to purple)
Confused warning (yellow and purple)
Large purple yellow fade
Spring twilight fade (red, turquoise)
Two Chinese landscapes
Air drawing
Complementary colour test 1
Dream machine
Felt handdrawing for space 1
Felt handdrawing for space 2
Green emergent void
Mind in life colour test 1
Monochrome movie 1-3
Pink emergent void
Twilight tones 3
Mindful small to large
Empathy rotation
Motional city map