Don't look to the horizon - look down and around
Rainbow portrait (confident)
Rainbow portrait (inspired)
Compass for sound of ice
Map for navigating memory
Mind forgetting
Mind memory
Retinal sun memory
Atmospheric compass (early spring)
Atmospheric compass (early summer)
Atmospheric compass (spring)
Atmospheric compass (winter)
Hospitality of absence
Situated absence navigator (Sector 4)
Situated absence navigator (Sector 5)
Situated absence navigator (Sector 7)
The six days of the week
Unlearned muscle memory (front to back)
Unlearned muscle memory (overlapping)
Vibrant earth burn
A tree on the sun during the day
A wave through the ozone
Beyond human time
Circular hand dance voids (clarity)
Facing past and future as one
More-than-human friends
Unforgetting solar exposure
A week in the life of an imaginary exoplanet
Moonlight lifetime
Your passing glacial morphology (past)
Your surprise turquoise puddle
Glacial currents (black, blue)
Glacial currents (magenta, orange)
Glacial currents (yellow, sienna)
Green moon rise
Morning light (late)
Subsaharan dusk study no. 1
Subsaharan dusk study no. 2
Vibrant matter (pure yellow to black)
Vibrant matter (vanadium yellow to green)
Watercolours / WASSERfarben
Green movement tower
Vibrant matter (brilliant purple to cadmium yellow deep)
Your memory of now (closing)
Your memory of now (opening)
Dark ecology
Don't be scared
Memory of the moving glacier (double eclipse)
Memory of the moving glacier (soft eclipse)
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