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The galaxy of uncertainty
A harmonious cycle of interconnected nows
Atmospheric column
Colour experiment no. 121 (Tunnel-vision tomorrow)
Compass travellers (northeast)
Compass travellers (southeast)
Compass travellers (west)
Orbital centrifugal presence
Orbital close encounter
Tunnel for unfolding time
Your explorative movement
Berlin intentions sphere
Human time is movement (spring)
Human time is movement (summer)
Human time is movement (winter)
Renaissance echoes
Y/our future is now
The planet spins despite me stopping
Power and care spirals
Aurum sphere
Your almost-free orbit
Bridge from the future
The new planet
Trust compass
Compassion sphere
Double bubble
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007
Sketch for Serpentine Gallery Pavilion
Sketch for Serpentine Gallery Pavilion
To lufthuller med lys
Turbo sphere
Colour spiral
Shadow lamp
Spiral (prototype)
The glacierhouse effect versus the greenhouse effect
Opera house chandeliers
Quadruple spiral
The inverted verge
White doughnut
Neon doughnut
Your spiral view
Dear Everybody
Golden ratio pavilion
Model for spiral city
Spiral tunnel
Der drehende Park
Spiral tower
The movement meter for Lernacken
Spiral pavilion