Waterfall machine
Yellow to purple activity sphere
Large TV lamp
Light lab (11/12)
The natural light setup
Colour square sphere
Light lab (10/12)
Light lab (7/12)
Light lab (8/12)
Light lab (9/12)
National career lamp
Berlin colour sphere
Black hole lamp
Dark star
Extralarge eyekea lamp
Eye see you
Fivefold dodecahedron lamp
Global cooling lamp
Iris lamp
Light lab (1/12)
Light lab (2/12)
Light lab (3/12)
Light lab (4/12)
Light lab (5/12)
Light lab (6/12)
You see me
Your wave is
Daylight map
Dodecahedron lamp
Inverted Berlin Sphere
Power tower
Shadow lamp
Solar flare lamp
Traffic light
Fivefold sphere projection lamp
Lighthouse lamp
Mono scanner
Monofrequency lamp
Opera house chandeliers
Retina workout
Your Lighthouse: Works with Light 1991–2004
The house that made up its vision as it walked
The inverted verge
The quasi brick lighthouse
The weather project
Your utopia
360° room for all colours
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