Rainbow portrait (confident)
Rainbow portrait (inspired)
Colour experiment no. 121 (Tunnel-vision tomorrow)
Colour experiment no. 96
Rainbow incubator
Self-conscious daylight journey
Slow daylight seeing itself
Today leaning into tomorrow, yesterday leaning into today
Tunnel for unfolding time
Spatial orbit
Colour experiment no. 92
Colour experiment no. 81
Colour mirror wheel
Meteorological rainbow circles
Rainbow bridge
Colour experiment no. 78
Polychromatic attention
At Studio Olafur Eliasson
Colour experiment no. 57
Colour experiment no. 58
Colour experiment no. 63
Colour experiment no. 66 (cyanometer)
Colour experiment no. 68 (cyanometer)
Colour experiment no. 69 (cyanometer)
Your museum primer
A View Becomes a Window
Panoramic awareness pavilion
Spectroscopic experiments
Emergent fade - colour experiment no. 48
Homage to P. Schatz
Light measurements: Reykjavik, 20 March 2011, 13:00
Light measurements: Reykjavik, 20 March 2011, 19:25 GMT
Polar drift
Tu panorama arco iris (Your rainbow panorama)
Your rainbow panorama
Colour experiment no. 10
Colour experiment no. 32
Eye activity line
I grew up in solitude and silence / Your welcome reflected by Mirjam Schaub
Sketch for Sunspace for Shibukawa
Sunspace for Shibukawa
Your eye activity field
Your watercolour horizon
Life in Space 3: 09.05.2008, Zumtobel Group Annual Report, 2007-2008
Moving star
One-way colour tunnel
Colour space embracer
Domestic motion
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