Retinal sun memory
Sometimes an underground movement is an illuminated bridge
Morning light (late)
Vibrant matter (vanadium yellow to green)
La congiuntura del tempo (Tempo junction)
The tetrahedral night
Vibrant matter (brilliant purple to cadmium yellow deep)
Your memory of now (closing)
Your memory of now (opening)
Dark ecology
Don't be scared
Green light
Memory of the moving glacier (double eclipse)
Memory of the moving glacier (soft eclipse)
Spheres of power and care #19
Your unpredictable path
Small rhombic core lamp
The sunny space
Twilight window
Your circular now
Your positive void (orange)
Colour experiment no. 66 (cyanometer)
Colour experiment no. 68 (cyanometer)
Colour experiment no. 69 (cyanometer)
The sunny blindspot
Trust, confidence, intuition – Contact is content
Your trust
Large purple yellow fade
Panoramic awareness pavilion
Spring twilight fade (red, turquoise)
Complementary colour test 1
Emergent fade - colour experiment no. 48
Sua fogueira cósmica (Your cosmic campfire)
Feelings are facts
Twilight stars
Your blind movement
Your atmospheric colour atlas
Global cooling lamp
The colour spectrum series
I can only see things when I move
Monofrequency lamp
Your activity horizon
Your silent running
360° room for all colours
Your orange afterimage exposed
Room for all colours
Landscapes with Yellow Background
The green river series
Yellow fog
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