Fierce tenderness sphere
Kaleidoscope for plural perspectives
Rainbow portrait (confident)
Rainbow portrait (inspired)
Seeing painting (growth)
The triple-presence problem
Your changing atmosphere
Colour experiment no. 121 (Tunnel-vision tomorrow)
Colour experiment no. 96
Probability of conscious antigravitation
Probability of conscious gravitation
Self-conscious daylight journey
Slow daylight seeing itself
Slow solar event
The everyday life of ocean light
The living lighthouse
The slow life of sunlight
Your choice mirror
Your fivefold vanishing points
Your pearl garden
Your sun compass
A Space Without Beginning and End
Firefly biosphere (twilighting)
Map for navigating memory
Monet's Vétheuil in Winter
Tunnel for unfolding time
Colour experiment no. 113
Negative flare space
Pluriverse assembly
Small chromosphere assembly
The living observatory
As yet unthought thoughts about moss
Collective sea flares
Colour experiment no. 101
Colour experiment no. 105
Colour experiment no. 106
Colour experiment no. 108
Colour experiment no. 92
Colour experiment no. 94
Colour experiment no. 97
Your sooner than later
Colour experiment no. 81
Colour experiment no. 85
Colour experiment no. 87
Colour mirror wheel
Vibrant matter (vanadium yellow to green)
Colour experiment no. 78
Small rhombic core lamp
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