Variations on heat, Studio Kitchen Instagram

Sketch for a Climate Museum. Read article about it on Huffington Post

Little Sun, Kaolack, Senegal

Little Sun, San Juan del Soco, Colombia
Testing space scanning skills - Our Dieter Rams corner is now doubled in the digital realm

How can art inspire public action against climate change?
Great talking to Ségolène Royal, French minister for climate and President of COP21

Artist Rirkrit Tiravanija and cook Dalad Kambhu are taking over Dottir while Victoria and her team are cooking in Hong Kong - New York Times article
Your space embracer, 2004

A Little Sun light in Alexandreia, Lesbos
The open pyramid, 2016, Long Museum, Shanghai. Filmed by SHIMURAbros. Sound by mamoru
All your views, Long Museum, Shanghai, filmed by SHIMURAbros
From photographer Iwan Baan's Instagram

Models for space, defined by movement
Unspoken Spaces out now on Thames & Hudson

Bloomberg TV - Brilliant Ideas
Bloomberg TV: Interview with Pimm Fox about Little Sun and the future of solar
