1 of 1
Deep mirror (black)
Deep mirror (yellow)
The presence of absence (Nuup Kangerlua, 24 September 2015 #1)
The presence of absence (Nuup Kangerlua, 24 September 2015 #2)
Event horizon: Olafur Eliasson's raumexperimente by Caroline A. Jones
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 1
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 11
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 2
The eighteen moons in penumbra no. 5
Crystal growth 4
Moving star
Negative glacier kaleidoscope (Kepler icosa star) Prototyp
Earth kaleidoscope
Inverted campfire series
Lalibela void
Your House
Negative quasi brick
Negative quasi brick wall
The thin line mirrored (the thin gap reflected)