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Weather-drawing observatory for the future
A harmonious cycle of interconnected nows
Saltwater-drawing observatory
Solar-drawing observatory (Large spheres)
Solar-drawing observatory (Small spheres)
Memories from the critical zone (Germany–Poland–Russia–China–Japan, no. 1)
Watercolours / WASSERfarben
Anti-gravity dance
Never Known but Is the Knower / Jamais connu, il est le connaissant
Plads til venlig hilsen
Your unpredictable sameness
Connecting cross country with a line
Sunlight graffiti
Sense of space produces space shades life
Motional city map
Non-stop park (Entwurf für einen Park)
Drawing machine for all ellipses
Spatial vibration: string-based instrument, study II
Monoaxial Berlin pendulum drawings (extra long)
The endless study in three dimensions series
Suncity drawings & Suncity model Stockholm
The endless study
The wave moving on the sea between Greenland and Iceland
Untitled (black boat drawing)
Sketchbook (unpublished)