Your search for 'studio'
Items 1951 to 2000
(of 2250 items found for 'studio')
(of 2250 items found for 'studio')
Colour spiral
Dodecahedron lamp
Dodecahedron lamp
Dodecahedron lamp
Inverted Berlin Sphere
Light removal
Light removal
Light removal
Notion motion
Notion motion
Olafur Eliasson, Jokla Series, 2004
Power tower
Power tower
Shadow lamp
Shadow lamp
Solar flare lamp
Sonnenstand Modell Venedig
Spiral (prototype)
Spiral (prototype)
Spiral (prototype)
Suncity drawings & Suncity model Stockholm
Suncity drawings & Suncity model Stockholm
Suncity drawings & Suncity model Stockholm
Sunset door
Sunset kaleidoscope
Sunset kaleidoscope
Sunset kaleidoscope
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (3)
The collectivity project
The collectivity project
The endless study
The endless study in three dimensions
The endless study in three dimensions
The glacierhouse effect versus the greenhouse effect
The Negotiation Project, a project by Olafur Eliasson, a film by Anri Sala
The Negotiation Project, a project by Olafur Eliasson, a film by Anri Sala
Two hot air columns
Two hot air columns
Walk through wall
Yellow double kaleidoscope
Yellow double kaleidoscope
Yellow double kaleidoscope
Loading 41 of 45