Image used on Blog post '940' (from S3)

Leeum catalogue with text by philosopher Timothy Morton and correspondence between astrophysicist Aurélien Barrau and Olafur Eliasson

Image used on Blog post '742' (from S3)

Little Sun Charge

Won’t you listen to what the DJ’s spinnin’ . . . A DJ is a worker, and the work she or he does looks like someone on a production line. She takes a tune that comes down a conveyor belt – the belt is called time and the tune comes from a direction called future – and she matches it with a tune that is right in front of her, which is called nowness.

Timothy Morton, in the catalogue for The parliament of possibilities, Leeum Museum

Image used on Blog post '792' (from S3)

The parliament of possibilities opens 28 September Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul

Telepathy means ‘passion at a distance’.

What happens when we are in a space where a DJ is working is something like the formation of a gigantic ear. This ear attunes to the crowd, the crowd attunes to the attunement. It is not surprising that DJ-ing has often been described as telepathy. Telepathy means ‘passion at a distance’.

Timothy Morton

Image used on Blog post '932' (from S3)

When I DJ I am listening to the tune. The things I hear in the tune get enhanced by other tunes that I juxtapose – I put them underneath, I overlap them, I make them fade into one another. I am saying, ‘There is more in this tune than the tune itself’. I expose the wiring under the board.

Timothy Morton

Image used on Blog post '907' (from S3)

Your unpredictable sameness, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul #OlafurLeeum

Writing about music is always like dancing about architecture. Thinking about music is also like raining about glass. Philosophising about design. Designing about philosophy. Why not? It’s intuitive, no? I mean, dancing about architecture is exactly what we do every day, when we walk through it. As Viktor Shklovsky put it, a dance is simply a walk that is felt.

Timothy Morton

Image used on Blog post '938' (from S3)

Rainbow assembly, studio test for #OlafurLeeum

[Blog post '933'] @studioolafureliasson Instagram video

Sharman - my guide in archery #morningpractice

Image used on Blog post '930' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

Little Sun medals. Great to be at Eir soccer tournament
Eir is a soccer organization for women working for #genderequality

Image used on Blog post '929' (from S3)

The 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development #Globalgoals week
Find out more about them here

Image used on Blog post '927' (from S3)

Chillies drying on the street in Seoul #OlafurLeeum
Studio Kitchen Instagram

Image used on Blog post '924' (from S3)
CNN Style visits Olafur Eliasson in his Copenhagen studio.

CNNStyle visits Olafur in Copenhagen

Image used on Blog post '925' (from S3)
Image used on Blog post '922' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

The endless study, 2005 #harmonograph #drawingmachine

Image used on Blog post '921' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

The wave moving on the sea between Greenland and Iceland, 1999.
Collaboration with Olafur's father Elias Hjörleifsson #drawingmachine

Olafur Eliasson and the Dalai Lama at Power & Care, Brussels 2016

Power and Care - Olafur speaking to Dalai Lama as part of Mind and Life Dialogue, Brussels, 2016

Image used on Blog post '914' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

#harmonograph #LightDrawing #LongExposurePhoto

Image used on Blog post '915' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

Culture Is a Human Right
Rather than bet on a single technological invention, idea, or product to improve the world, my best bet for a better world lies in the cumulative aspirational power that is expressed by all peoples on this planet through art and culture.

Participation in culture is a fundamental right, as outlined by article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I propose that we take this right and all its implications seriously. This means not only ensuring the right to participate in culture, but also actively supporting culture and its practitioners, expanding access to it, and inviting more people to engage in its production and discussion.

Excerpt from Eliasson's text in Big Bet 2030 book - released today. More about the book here:

Image used on Blog post '919' (from S3)

Visitor impressions #notionmotion
Last chance: Notion motion, Boijmans, Rotterdam, closes on Sunday

Image used on Blog post '909' (from Instagram) - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson

Spherical Semaphores by Raul Walch,
former Institut für Raumexperimente participant

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