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Cover from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Cover from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
The body as brain 1 quasibrick - Studio Olafur Eliasson, 2003 - Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson
The body as brain 1 quasibrick
Studio Olafur Eliasson, 2003
Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (1), 2003 - Kunsthaus Zug, 2004 – 2003 - Photo: Studio Eliasson 2004
The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung (1), 2003
Kunsthaus Zug, 2004 – 2003
Photo: Studio Eliasson 2004
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of the full grid from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of the full grid from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of single page from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of the full grid from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
Spread of the full grid from The Body as Brain, Berlin / Zug 2003
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Conceived for The body as brain: Projekt Sammlung, a five-year exhibition project at Kunsthaus Zug in Switzerland, the six newspaper-sized black and white leaves include Eliasson’s statement Museums are Radical and Francisco J. Varela’s The Specious Present: A Neurophenomenology of Time Consciousness. The latter text is printed on a two-dimensional fold-it-yourself ‘quasi brick’, a module that Eliasson has developed with Einar Thorsteinn. The graphic design takes the fivefold symmetry of the quasi brick as a point of departure for a series of abstract tiling forms, either side of the paper combining to create a unique pattern system. The newsprint leaves were sent to friends of the museum as well as used as wallpaper for the café in Kunsthaus Zug as part of (Projekt Sammlung (1) in 2004.

Publication details


Artist's book


The Body as Brain

Text author

Olafur Eliasson Caroline Eggel Tomas Saraceno Einar Thorsteinn Francisco Varela


Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, DE




40 x 56.7 cm, 24 pages